Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Little Champion

I'm sad to say that Cameron's 2nd season of soccer is officially over.  I am thrilled to say though that this season was 100% better than the first one last spring, and his team won every game!  The first time around it was such a learning expereince for the entire team who had never played before, and this time around Cameron was a seasoned pro!  He was so enthusiatic to get out there and score, and I have never been so proud as a parent with his attitude. (Granted...I pray that God gives me many more moments to be proud of my sweet boy, but I am blessed to already have these proud moments!) Now I know that the kids on the team ranged from 3- 4 years of age, and kids at this age can be very emotional.  There were kids out there crying when they got knocked over, crying because the didn't want to play, crying because they couldn't get the ball to score a goal.  You name it, there was a kid crying over it.  Thankfully...that was never Cameron.  When he got tripped up, he got right back up and kept on running to get that ball.  When others were crying because they didn't want to play, Cameron was ready to get out on that field and score.  If the other team (or his own teammate) had the ball, Cameron would run at warp speed to take that ball away and score, but if someone else happened to score, Cameron would happily skip back to the center of the field and was ready to try again.  Now,  I know he gets his love and talent for sports from his Daddy, but I'm pretty sure he also gets this attitude from him too.  I'm totally a sore loser when it comes to any sort of competition and when things aren't going my way with a game, I'm ready to give up. ;)  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Cameron doesn't one day wake up with my winning attitude...ha!
Here he is with his medal and his team...

Thank you Cameron for playing your heart out these past few make your Mama and Daddy proud!

Now comes the next hardest decision for Val and I....T-ball or Flag Football next?  Guess we'll just have to wait until next year to see. :0

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Whew!  This has been an exhausting weekend for all of us! Trick or Treating can really wear you out!  In August, Cameron wanted to be Buzz Lightyear, but soon changed his mind to Wolverine.  He has been on an X-Men and Iron Man kick, so Wolverine it was.  He truly had a blast and was literally running house to house to get to the door first. My mom, sister, brother in-law, and Cameron's 2 cousins, Chris and Aaron, came over to trick-or-treat.  Lilly, or "Wonder Woman",  made a visit earlier in the evening for pictures.   I was sad that the 2 super heroes couldn't go out together for the night, but Wonder Woman had her own neighborhood to head off to!
Cameron had us cracking up as always.  He was so excited, that he kept mixing up what he was supposed to say.  He knew he had 3 main phrases, "Trick-or-treat", "Happy Halloween", and "Thank you.", but sometimes he would come back and tell us that he forgot to say "trick-or-treat" first, or he would say "happy halloween," but forgot the "thank you." I guess the sight of candy had him all confused!

Don't be fooled, he really didn't have much to do with the carving of this pumpkin! I have finally figured out that I am the only one in my house who really likes carving pumpkins. :) But Cameron did pick the design.

Here's our own 2 super heroes of the night.

Grandma and Wonder Woman

Cameron and Mommy!